Instruction for Authors

 | Post date: 2021/09/20 | 
The Journal accepts only manuscripts through the online submission system, easy to use and easy to track; thus, your submission will be made rather faster by online procedures. Once you submit an article, it will be forwarded to one of the editors and afterward to at least two of the peer-reviewers. After submission, the Author will be notified of the submission process through email and the follow-up ID code. It is recommended to save the sent ID code for all future correspondence regarding each article separately.
The manuscript submission has straightforward steps. Go to For Authors menu → click Submission Form. New users should first create an account.
The following illustrated files can help for Registration, Submission, and Follow up.
Registration Help    Manuscript Submission Help    Manuscript Follow up Help

 Types of articles are based on PubMed definitions. For more info, please refer to:
  • Brief Report: A short/rapid announcement of research results. Brief Reports should contain 1000 - 2000 words with a structured/nanostructured abstract of 200 words maximum. Short reports should comprise sections of Background, Objectives (optional), Methods, Results, and Discussion with not more than two tables or figures and up to 20 references.
  • Case Report: Case study, case report, or other description of a case. A case report is a case study, case report, or other case description that should contain 1500 - 2000 words with a structured abstract of 200 words maximum. Case reports should comprise Introduction, Case Presentation, and Conclusions in Abstract and Introduction, Case Presentation, and Discussion in full text with not more than two tables or figures and up to 20 references.
  • Editorial: Opinion piece, policy statement, or general commentary, typically written by the staff of the publication (The similar value "article-commentary" is reserved for a commentary on a specific article or articles, which an author writes with a contrasting position, not an editor or other publication staff.)
  • Letter: Letter to a publication, typically commenting upon a published work. Letters should contain 500 - 700 words, the maximum number of references is 10, and the Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 1. There are two types of Letters:
  1. Letters to the Editor about a recent journal article. Letters referring to a recent article in this journal must be received within three months of its publication. For example, a letter referring to an article published in the January issue must be submitted online no later than March 31st. Letters submitted after the allowed time will not be considered. 
  2. Letters to the Editor NOT referring to a recent journal article. Original research that is of interest but does not fulfill all the requirements for publication as a full-length manuscript can be submitted as a letter to the Editor. The letter must have a title and a maximum of three authors.
  • Rapid Communication: Fast-breaking research updates or other news items. For rapid communication, Structured abstract and manuscript body into Background, Objectives, Materials/Patients and Methods, Results, and Discussion are required. Rapid communications should contain 1000-1500 words, the maximum number of references is 30, and the maximum Number of Figures/Tables is 3.
  • Research Article Article reporting on primary research (The corresponding value "review-article" describes a literature review, research summary, or state-of-the-art article.) The content of the paper must justify its length. For reports of original investigative work, the traditional division into sections is required: Title, Keywords, Addresses and which author address for correspondence, Structured/nanostructured Abstract, Background, Objectives (optional), Methods, Results, Discussion, References and Acknowledgements, Legends for display items (Figures and Tables). Research articles should contain 2500 - 3500 words, the maximum number of references is 55, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 5.
  • Review Article: Review or state-of-the-art summary article (The corresponding value "research-article" describes original research.) Review Articles should contain 3500 - 4000 words, the maximum number of references is 80, the maximum number of illustrations/Tables is 5.
  • Methods Article: Study protocol articles can be for proposed or ongoing prospective clinical research and should provide a detailed account of the study's hypothesis, rationale, and methodology. Methods articles can be for proposed or ongoing prospective clinical research and should provide a detailed account of the study's hypothesis, rationale, and methodology. Protocols of randomized controlled trials should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number. A study protocol should contain 2000 - 3000 words with a structured abstract of 300 words maximum. Study protocols should comprise sections of Background, Methods/Design, Discussion both in Abstract and full text with not more than 3 tables or figures and up to 25 references. Please do not use abbreviations or references in the abstract. Trial Registration, if your $singular is a protocol of a controlled health care intervention, please list the trial registry, along with the unique identifying number, e.g., Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN73824458. Please note that there should be no space between the letters and numbers of your trial registration number. We recommend manuscripts that report randomized controlled trials to follow the CONSORT extension for abstracts.
  • Corrections: A modification or correction of previously published material; this is sometimes called "errata."

The first page has to contain the manuscript title, authors' name and affiliation, and complete information of the corresponding Author (s).
Title: choose a long enough title to cover the main points and consider the importance of shortness. Only the first letter of the first word of each title and abbreviations should be in the upper case.
Support: sources of any supports should be mentioned.
Running title: a shorter version of the title (40 characters at most) is needed for the page footer.
Authors & Affiliations

Author(s): full name of all authors should be mentioned.
Method: [First Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name]
Exapmle: Alberto Mendez Villanueva
Affiliation: Author's affiliation contains only department and university, not Author's degree or position.
Method: [name of department], [name of faculty], [name of university], [city], [country].
Example: Sports Psychology Department, Sport Science Faculty, British Columbia University, Vancouver, Canada
Corresponding Author: one of the authors should be picked out for possible correspondence before and after publication. Their address, telephone and fax number, and email should be written.
[Name of Recipient]
[Full Postal Address]
[Tel] Method: +[country code] [city code] [Phone Number]
[fax] Method: +[country code] [city code] [Phone Number]
Michael Kennedy, 4-230 Van Vliet Complex – East, 8810 - 114TH St NW, Edmonton AB
 T6G 2H9
Tel: (780) 492-2830
Fax: (780) 492-2830
[required for original articles, review articles, case reports]
The second page has to contain the manuscript title, abstract, and keywords.
An abstract of 150-250 words should be provided to state the reason for the study, the main findings, and the conclusions drawn from the observation. Abstract of original articles and brief reports should be structured under the following headings: Background, Objectives (optional), Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Highlights.
The Highlights are used for the websites and can help the article to be more researchable. For example, you can see here.

The Case Reports should follow these headings: Introduction, Case Report or Case Presentations, and Conclusion.
A list of 3-10 keywords must be provided for indexing purposes. All keywords should be provided according to MeSH terms at: Note that the preferred expression is indicated by the label "MeSH Heading" and not "Entry Term." The desired terms may then be copied from the MeSH Browser. Another way of finding appropriate headings is to search PubMed for articles on similar topics and review the MeSH headings assigned to those articles. To read more about Keywords, refer here.


Manuscripts should be in Word Document to send online (Microsoft Word 97, 2003, 2007). Manuscripts, well-written in English, should follow the style of the agreement detailed in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, a copy of which can be found at Please double-check the article for spelling, structure, and format mistakes. 
These numbers show this journal word count limitations:
  • Brief Reports: 1000 - 2000 words (Maximum number of references is 20, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 2)
  • Research Articles: 2500 - 3500 words (Maximum number of references is 55, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 5)
  • Review Articles: 3500 - 4000 words (Maximum number of references is 80, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 5)
  • Systematic Review Articles/Meta-Analyses: 4000 - 4500 words (Maximum number of references is 100, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 6)
  • Case Report: 1500 - 2000 words (Maximum number of references is 20, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 2)
  • Letters to the Editor: 500 - 700 words (Maximum number of references is 10, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 1)
  • Editorials: 500 - 1000 words (Maximum number of references is 10, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 1)
  • Other articles: 1000 - 2000 words (Maximum number of references is 20, Maximum Number of illustrations/Tables is 2)
  • Figure legends (including multiple figure parts): 55-75 words
  • Acknowledgments (not including research funding): 45-55 words


To distinguish different parts of the article, it is recommended to use the font Times New Roman with the following size:
- article title: 16 Bold
- authors' names: 14
- authors' affiliation: 10 Bold
- main title (such as Abstract, Introduction, Materials, and Methods, …): 14 Bold
- subtitle: 12 Bold
- text: 12


[Especially required for original articles]
The rest of the article differs according to the article type you are submitting but generally includes the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Applicable Remarks, and References.


This should summarize the purpose and the rationale for the study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor should it have data or conclusions of the study. Also, the Author(s) should declare the objectives/aims of the study.


This should include the exact method or observation or experiment (Should be subdivided: Participants, Tools/Reagents, Blood Sampling, Training Protocol, Data Collection, ...). If an apparatus is used, its manufacturer's name and address should be given in parenthesis. If the method is established, give a reference but if the method is new, give enough information so that another author is able to perform it. If a drug is used, its generic name, dose, and route of administration must be given. Statistical methods must be mentioned and specify any general computer program used. The Info system used should be mentioned.


Authors reporting experimental studies on human subjects must include a statement of assurance in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript reading that: (a) informed consent was obtained from each patient included in the study and (b) the study protocol conforms to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki as reflected in a priori approval by the institution's human research committee. In studies involving animal testings, make sure that all animals received humane care according to the criteria outlined in the "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals" prepared by the National Academy of Sciences and published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH publication 86-23 revised 1985).



Generic drug/supplementation names must be used in the title and throughout the manuscript text. The proprietary name should be included in parentheses, along with the name of the manufacturer and the city upon the first mention in the text.



It must be presented in the form of text, tables, and illustrations. The contents of the tables should not be repeated in the text. Instead, a reference to the table number may be given. To clarify their contents, long articles may need sub-headings within some sections (especially the Results and Discussion parts).
Tables in limited numbers should be submitted with the captions placed above.
All tables must be included at the end of the manuscript.
They should be self-explanatory, clearly arranged, and supplemental to the text.
  • Tables in the word file should be separated by page break (each table on a separate page).
  • Each Table should have borders with normal style without any colored row or column.
  • The style of the Table should be simple.
  • Each cell contains only one paragraph or one line.
  • Place explanatory matters in footnotes, not in the heading.
  • Note: tables' captions and footnotes must be a component of Table (have a merged cell), but the surrounded lines of it have no/white color (such as table 1, exactly).
  • 4. Do not submit tables as pho­tograph.
  • 5. They should appear where the Table should be cited, cited in the main text, and numerical order.
Note: We cannot accept tables in Excel or another format embedded into the manuscript. Tables should be submitted in the same Word format as your document.
Note: The same data should not be presented in tables, fig­ures, and text, simultane­ously.
Authors should declare in the cover letter that all figures of their manuscripts are original. Otherwise, the source of figures should be mentioned, and a reprint form must be uploaded in the attachments.
Scanned graphs from other resources will not be accepted to publish.
1. If you have color or black & white figures, ideally submit your figures in TIFF or JPEG format.
2. The resolution should be in 300 DPI.
3. Insert your illustrations in a two × 1 (rows × Column); the pictures and cap­tions should be placed above and below respectively (such as figure 1, exactly).
4. Horizontal & vertical (x & y) axis should have a brief definition with their SI units (such as figure 1, exactly).
Note: Symbols, units, and abbreviations in papers must conform to the Système International d'Unités (SI Units).
The raw data of the charts should be uploaded in Microsoft excel format (MS Office 1997-2003)
Please scan all images in at least 300dpi. Most consumer scanners scan in sRGB by default. However, if you are using a high-end scanner, then Adobe RGB is recommended for optimum color depth. Color space should be in RGB.
 We will NOT accept any images with a resolution below 300 dpi.
More information about file specifications can be seen at:


Internationally accepted units (International System of Units), symbols, and abbreviations must be used. Abbreviations should be used sparingly and must be introduced in parentheses upon the first mention. Abbreviations that have meaning only within the context of the specific manuscript should be avoided.


It should apply to all manuscript submissions, including letters to the Editor, opinion pieces, informal essays, and book reviews.
Authors are expected to provide detailed information about any relevant financial interests or financial conflicts within the past five years and for the foreseeable future.
Many universities and other institutions and organizations have established policies and thresholds for reporting financial interests and other conflicts of interest.
Authors who have no relevant financial interests are asked to provide a statement indicating that they have no financial interests related to the material in the manuscript.
  • Example:
    Dr. Ollie Jay reported receiving research grants and honorarium, and consulting fees for speaking from the University of Sydney.


Detailed information regarding all financial and material support for the research and work; Not limited to grant support, funding sources, and provision of equipment and supplies.
Funding/Support: This study was supported in part by grant CA34456 from the Sports Science Research Institutes of Australia (Dr. Ollie Jay).
We ask authors to describe in cover letter what each Author contributed, and these contributions to the work may be published at the Editor's discretion.
Each Author should have participated sufficiently to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions to (a) conception and design, or collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and (c) final approval of the version to be published. 
Individuals who do not meet the above criteria may be listed in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript.
1- Study concept and design: M. Kennedy
2- Acquisition of data: S. Yeung
3- Analysis and interpretation of data: S. Hendricks
4- Drafting of the manuscript: F. Wilson
 5- Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: D. Bishop
6- Statistical analysis: M. Franchini
7- Administrative, technical, and material support: E. Hohmann
8- Study supervision: T. Meyer
We ask authors to describe in the manuscript the specific role of the funding organization or sponsor in the following:
  • Design and conduct of the study Collection,
  • Management,
  • Analysis of the data
  • Preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript
- Role of the Sponsor: The funding organizations are public institutions and had no role in the design and conduct of the study, collection, management, and analysis of the data, or preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript.
- Role of the Sponsor: The Sport Science Research Institute provided practical support for the focus group and survey processes, including letters of endorsement, hospital contact information, and assistance with logistic arrangements for focus group sessions.


The refer­ences should ob­serve the Vancouver style: Vancouver, a numbered style, follows the rules established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. It is better to use EndNote as a citation manager, and its source must be attached during manuscript submission.
In the Vancouver system, the only indication required in the text of a paper is a number, allocated in ascending sequence and presented in brackets. For example:
" According to the results of previous research, visual skills have been categorized into five levels; Superior, above average, average, ineffective and needs immediate attention (4)."
Do not use individual sets of parentheses for citation numbers that appear together, e.g., (2,3,5–9), not (2),(3),(5)–(9). In other words, If the same source is cited again later in the text, the same number is used once more. If multiple references are cited, use a hyphen to join an inclusive range of numbers thus: (2-5). Use commas without spaces to separate non-inclusive numbers in multiple citations thus: (2-5,7,10).
A bibliography is a list of references cited given at the end of an essay, dissertation, etc. The list of references at the end of the paper should be given their first appearance in the text.
Each reference is made by putting together all the details needed to find a piece of information in a specified order. Different details are needed for different formats of information. It is essential to use the same style, punctuation, and order of details throughout your piece of work. In this topic, you will look at how individual references are constructed. In particular, you will learn how to reference.
For example, references, refer to A National Library of Medicine Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:
Note: Some journals have more than two parts and should be abbreviated when write in the references. You can find the abbreviation of the journal via:
Note: In the case of publications in languages other than English, the published English title should be provided from its English abstract, with an annotation such as "(article in Farsi, abstract in English)." Do not provide a self-translation.


The manuscript must be accompanied by a signed Cover let­ter (it should be uploaded through the online system as a scanned copy) to the Editor-in-Chief guaranteeing that:
The manuscript is the original work of the Author. All data, tables, figures, etc., used in the manuscript are prepared originally by authors. Otherwise, the sources are cited, and reprint permission should be attached.
The manuscript has not been and will not be published elsewhere or submitted elsewhere for publication.
Conflict of interest: To prevent the information on potential conflict of interest for authors from being overlooked or misplaced, mention this information in the Cover letter.
Copyright: Agreement with copyright must be stated in the Cover letter.
You can receive the Cover let­ter from hereCover Letter
Attach the fulfilled form at the "Cover Let­ter" section located in the "Send New Article" form.  

On behalf of all co-authors, I hereby confirm that I have reviewed and complied with the relevant Instructions to Authors, the Ethics in Publishing policy, and Conflicts of Interest disclosure. I also assign to the journal, the copyright for my manuscript and any other data intended for publication in the manuscript and will not submit or publish any part in any form or language if the article is accepted for publication.
Note: Once submitted, the manuscript cannot be withdrawn or sent elsewhere. Even after provisional Acceptance, the editors reserve the right to edit, shorten, modify, or reject submitted manuscripts. This may be based on English grammar, clarity, space limitations, journal style, or the editors' preference. The editors may opt not to disclose the reason for the rejection of a manuscript. The Editor, editorial team, or publisher will not be held liable or hold responsibility for any shortcomings or mistakes in published manuscripts concerning contents disclosed therein, including but not limited to drug dosage, methodology, surgical technique, etc. Medical ethics guideline issues are the authors' responsibility (patient identity disclosure, research ethics, etc.). Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of the information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising from using any materials, instructions, methods, or ideas contained in the articles.
Author Disclosures:
The article I have submitted to the journal for review is original, has been written by the stated authors, and has not been published elsewhere.
The article is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal and will not be submitted for such review while under review by this journal.
The article contains no libelous or other unlawful statements and does not contain any materials that violate any personal or proprietary rights of any other person or entity.
I have obtained written permission from copyright owners for any excerpts from copyrighted works that are included and have credited the sources in my article.
If the article was prepared jointly with other authors, I have informed the co-author(s) of the terms of this publishing agreement and that I am signing on their behalf as their agent, and I am authorized to do so.
I understand that I am hereby granted (without the need to obtain further permission) rights to use specific versions of the article, as described and defined below:
Internal Institutional Use: Use by the Author's institution for classroom teaching at the institution (including distribution of copies, paper or electronic, and use in course packs and courseware programs) for scholarly purposes. For authors employed by companies, the use by that company for internal training purposes.
Personal Use: Use by an author in the Author's classroom teaching (including distribution of copies, paper or electronic), distribution of copies to research colleagues for their personal use, use in a subsequent compilation of the Author's works, inclusion in a thesis or dissertation, preparation of other derivative works such as extending the article to book-length form, or otherwise using or re-using portions or excerpts in other works (with full acknowledgment of the original publication of the article).
Permitted Scholarly Posting: Voluntary posting of published articles by an author on open Websites for Commercial Use or Systematic Distribution is not permitted. Deposit in or posting to subject-oriented repositories (such as PubMed Central), or institutional repositories with mandates for systematic postings, is permitted only under specific agreements between the publisher and the repository, agency, or institution and only consistent with the Copyright Owner's policies concerning such repositories.  


We accept all terms and conditions of COPE about plagiarism, and in case any attempt of plagiarism is brought to our attention accompanied with convincing evidence, we act based on flowcharts and workflows determined in COPE.
All submissions will be checked with PlagiarismCheckerX in 2 stages: New Submission and After Acceptance from the editorial boards.
Republishing is a case of Plagiarism in PHYS. ACT. AGING.
PHYS. ACT. AGING. Explicitly instructs authors not to submit papers or variations of papers on studies that have already been published elsewhere, even in languages other than English. Significantly those articles published in local journals (with local languages) are not permitted to be submitted in our journals.
Withdrawal is an action that takes the manuscript out of the review process and places it back into the Author's dashboard.
For PHYS. ACT. AGING., It is not suggested that authors withdraw the article since it wastes valuable manuscript processing time, money, and works invested by the publisher.
If Author (s) want to withdraw the submitted manuscript during the "Peer-Review process" or after "Acceptance," the authors must have convincing reasons and pay 1000 USD as the withdrawal penalty. However, the authors(s) can withdraw their papers at "Pre-Review" without paying any charges or posing convincing reasons. Besides, withdrawing at "Post-Publication" is precisely impossible.
"Plagiarism," "Bogus claims of authorship," "Multiple submissions," and "Fraudulent use of data or the like," and "Infringements of professional, ethical codes" Are the convincing reasons for manuscript withdrawal.


Retraction is a mechanism for correcting the literature and alerting readers to publications that contain such seriously flawed or erroneous data that their findings and conclusions cannot be relied upon. Unreliable data may result from honest errors or research misconduct.
Retractions are also used to alert readers to cases of redundant publication (i.e., when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism, and failure to disclose a primary competing interest likely to influence interpretations or recommendations.
Note: Only published items can be retracted. Publications should be retracted as soon as possible after the journal editor is convinced that the publication is seriously flawed and misleading (or is redundant or plagiarized).
"Plagiarism," "Bogus claims of authorship," "Multiple submission," "Fraudulent use of data," "Infringements of professional, ethical codes," "Redundant publication," and "Failure to disclose a major competing interest" are convincing Reasons for retraction of publication.
The process of Retraction
For printed version: A retraction note titled "Retraction: [article title]" signed by the authors and/or the Editor is published in the paginated part of a subsequent issue of the journal and listed in the contents list.
For the online version: a link is made to the original article, and it is retained unchanged save for a watermark on the pdf indicating on each page that it is "RETRACTED," and The HTML version of the document is removed.
For more information, see the:

Keywords: Coaching | Journal | Article | Sports | Exercise | Physical Activity | Play | Aging | Ageing | Old | Psychology | Physiology |

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